Ohio State University Extension creates opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic, and environmental conditions. Click any link to jump to that program info.

Million Hearts

Learn more about the program here: https://fcs.osu.edu/programs/major-program-areas/healthy-people/million-hearts

This curriculum provides those with cardiovascular disease or at risk for cardiovascular disease with lessons to help them engage in positive behaviors that can reduce their risk factors. Topics include:

  • Blood Pressure and Sodium
  • Stress and Smoking Cessation
  • Cholesterol
Sun Safety

Sun safety lessons can provide educational activities to teach adults OR youth about the importance of sun safety and skin cancer prevention. These lessons can be paired with Dermascan viewings. Learn more about the program here: https://fcs.osu.edu/programs/healthy-people/sun-safety

Nutrition Programs

Nutrition education programs discuss fun topics, techniques and up-to-date research. These programs can include a food demonstration and tasting!

Live Healthy Live Well

Extension’s Live Healthy Live Well Team uses technology to engage individuals and workplaces in health and wellness programming across the dimensions of wellness. Utilizing social media, email wellness challenges, and lunch and learn lessons, we strive to increase awareness and encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors to improve participants’ well-being, reduce the need for health care services, lower absenteeism rates at work, and help control costs for employers

Mindful Wellness

This OSU Extension program is designed to equip adults with practice and skills to strengthen the mind and body connection and promote holistic health and wellness across the lifespan. People who practice mindful wellness are better able to manage stress and cope with illness, anxiety, and depression. Find more information here: https://fcs.osu.edu/programs/major-program-areas/healthy-relationships/mindful-wellness

Dining with Diabetes

This program offers adults with diabetes and caregivers of adults with diabetes a series of four in-person classes and a reunion 3-6 months after the initial class. Participants will learn to identify, prepare, and serve nutritious and safe food for diabetic diets.  Participants are educated on managing diabetes through planning menus, counting carbohydrates, controlling portion sizes, and reading nutrition labels. Find more information here: (https://fcs.osu.edu/programs/nutrition/dining-diabetes)

Farm to School

Provides resources to help schools procure and serve locally produced food. This program also helps students understand where their food comes from and how their food choices affect their health, environment, and community. Find more information here: (https://farmtoschool.osu.edu/)

Tips for Teens (T4T)

This is the place to find great advice for everything from how to check the oil in your car to sewing on a button to recipes for taco salad. Tips for Teens features quick videos designed to make life a bit easier for teens. The videos get teens focused on what matters: Gaining confidence! You can view the videos on YouTube.

  • These lessons are also available as 30-60 minute presentations with activities