A physical book/binder must be turned in to the Extension office. Electronic copies of book will NOT be accepted.

Secretary books are to start from the beginning of the current 4-H year until December 31.

Completed books are due to the Extension office by January 17, 2025. Club name, Secretary's name and age need to be on the front cover. All books will be returned at the January 2025 advisor trainings.

All clubs are required to use the most current Ohio 4-H Youth Development Club Constitution as their club's constitution. Advisors received this at the advisor trainings. A signed copy is due with enrollment materials by April 1, 2025. Club By-Laws are required; signed copy is also due by April 1, 2025. The originals of each of these forms, along with signatures, need to be placed in the Secretary's Book.

Click here for the complete Secretary Book (You can decide to print multiple copies of certain pages to your printer.)

Click here for a fillable pdf of the Secretary Book (Reminder: a physical book/binder must be turned in to the Extension office. Electronic copies of book will NOT be accepted.) (Form is a fillable pdf. For Firefox users: You may be prompted by your browser to open with a different viewer. For Google users: Download document to complete.)

Non-completing Club Officers
While it is not common, occasionally clubs have officers fail to complete their year of service for a variety of reasons. This is particularly challenging if the secretary does not complete their year. Regardless, your club must submit a Secretary’s Book to demonstrate fulfillment of your club charter. Contact us if you have concerns.