Click here for Small Animal General Information.

This page will also provide county-specific information for the following projects:

Companion Animals Goats Poultry Rabbits

215 Cavy

135BD Breeding-Dairy Goat

150CE Chicken Exhibition

228BR Breeding Rabbit

216 Purr-fect Pals, Level 1

135BM Breeding-Meat Goat

150CM Chicken Market

228MA Market Rabbit

217 Climbing Up, Level 2

135F Fiber Goat

150CEP Chicken, Egg Production

228PE Pet Rabbit

218 Leaping Forward, Level 3

135H Harness Goat

150DE Duck Exhibition


200, 201, 202 Dog Projects

135M Market-Dairy, Meat, or Cross

150DM Duck Market


220 Pocket Pets

135P Pack Goat

150GE Goose, Exhibition



135PY Pygmy Goat

150TE Turkey, Exhibition




150TM Turkey, Market


General Information


Junior Fair Entries Due


Members enrolled in any small livestock project (excludes companion animals) are required to turn in a Junior Fair Entry Form. Entries are due August 7, 2024, ONLINE ONLY. No late entries accepted.

For additional dates, refer to the Livestock Requirement Summary.

See the Tuscarawas County Fair Booklet for entry information.

2024 Fair Check-in Dates

Dates TBA.

Companion Animals



Scrapie Tag Requirements - All Goats

USDA Goat Requirements Fact Sheet - explaining the national scrapie eradication program - for the following goat projects: 135BD, 135BM, 135H, 135P, and 135PY. Scrapie tags must be in the animal before they arrive at the fairgrounds (including the June tag-in). Contact us with any questions.

Market goat exhibitors need to submit the project registration form along with color pictures that show the scrapie tag affixed to the goat's ear. Online registrations are due by 11:59 p.m. on June 17, 2024.




 Poultry Pick-up Dates

Market Ducks: Hatching July 22 and should be delivered Wednesday, July 24. Pick up location is Gerber & Sons Country Farm & Garden (1487 State Route 39, Dover). The pick up time is dependent on the USPS. You will receive and email and a text message as soon as we have a definitive day and time. Important things to remember:

  • Have someone else on "stand-by" to pick up your birds if you have time constraints for the day. Remember to check with other members of your club and/or your advisors for assistance.
  • Bring a small box with some shavings/bedding in the bottom for them to travel home in.
  • Make sure your brooder is set up with water, feed, and a heat source and protection from predators.

Be sure to attend the Poultry Health & Showmanship Clinic on Monday, July 22 for information on how to get your birds off to a great start.

Market Chickens: As stated previously, chickens will be arriving a week LATER this year! Broilers are hatching August 5 and should be delivered Wednesday, August 7. Pick up location is Gerber & Sons Country Farm & Garden (1487 State Route 39, Dover). The pick up time is dependent on the USPS. You will receive and email and a text message as soon as we have a definitive day and time. Important things to remember:

  • Have someone else on "stand-by" to pick up your birds if you have time constraints for the day. Remember to check with other members of your club and/or your advisors for assistance.
  • Bring a small box with some shavings/bedding in the bottom for them to travel home in.
  • Make sure your brooder is set up with water, feed, and a heat source and protection from predators.

As you have fewer days to reach the 5-pound minimum, be sure to attend the Poultry Health & Showmanship Clinic on Monday, July 22 for information on how to get your birds off to a great start.

Turkey poults: Tuesday, May 13 from noon - 5:00 PM at Gerber & Sons Country Farm & Garden (1487 State Route 39, Dover). Turkeys MUST be picked up during these hours. They can be picked up by friends, family, advisors, etc.

NOTE: Before picking up birds, be sure to have your brooder set up and ready to go. You should have a heat light, feed, water, and shavings in a protected area.

turkey Pullorum Testing

All turkeys that have been in contact with other birds which have not been Pullorum tested within 12 months prior to the fair must be Pullorum tested on August 17, 2024, at Sugarcreek Vet Clinic (by appointment only). If turkeys are not tested on this date, arrangements should be made with the participants' veterinarian so the test may be conducted two weeks in advance of the fair and results made available at check-in.

Poultry Resource Handbook

The 150R Poultry Resource Handbook will not be available for 2023. However, members are to use the resource information received with their project book from previous years. Members taking a poultry project for the first time should receive resource information; this can be indicated on the 4-H Project Book and Resources Order Form. Below is additional information that members can use to help them in their poultry project.

Easily accessible articles about poultry are directly available on the Poultry Resources webpage. These articles were available through the eXtension website (listed on the Poultry Resources for Ohio handout) but have been collected and converted into easy-to-read and nicely formatted PDFs.

Also available is a collection or articles called Basic Information About Chickens (143 pages). Volunteers and members are welcome to download this document themselves. Copy charges apply if printed at the Extension office.

The American Standard of Perfection 2015 from the American Poultry Association is the ultimate resource for anyone raising chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowl. Current edition and price are available online from APA at

The Bantam Standard 2011 from the American Bantam Association supports bantam breeders and their special interests. Current edition and price are available online from ABA at

National 4-H Poultry Judging - You may want this optional resource for evaluating poultry. It is a good reference to study before participating in a judging contest. Current edition and price are available online from University of Nebraska-Lincoln at




Breeding Rabbit Check-in/Tattooing

Date TBA.

Market Rabbit Check-in Date

Date TBA.

Market Rabbit Tattooing

Date TBA.