Rabbit/Poultry Quality Assurance

Monday, April 12, 2021 - 6:30pm
Contact email:
Contact name:
Kiersten Heckel
Contact phone:

It's time for 2021 Tuscarawas County Livestock Quality Assurance. NEW for this year, county QA sessions will be specie specific.

Members who will be showing multiple species at the 2021 Tuscarawas County Fair only need to attend ONE QA session (this is not new). Please do not attend a session for a specie you do not plan on exhibiting. Members will need to register through Qualtrics (link below) for specie-specific session IN ADVANCE. The Zoom meeting link will be sent to you through your confirmation email so don't lose it or delete it!

Remember, you only need to complete one QA per year. The only projects that do not need to complete QA are dogs and pet rabbit. Horses have their own version with Safety & Ethics.

Click here to register for the Rabbit/Poultry Quality Assurance session.